Game Battle Mania

Battle Mania Slots
Battle Mania is one in a small group of online casino games that have recently veered from the traditional slot machine with reels and gives players a chance at enjoying a game that plays quite differently but still gives bettors a good chance at a solid win or big payday. Battle Mania was created to give millenials and others a chance to play a game of chance modeled after the role playing games that have become a staple for those with computer, console or mobile device. The newest generation of online casino patrons have a very different view of online gaming that their parents

Select Your Characters Wisely

Players are given the opportunity to select five characters out of the possible 15 that the title provides. Each of the 15 identities are unique and each offer certain benefits and restrictions. Those who play Battle Mania more than a handful of times will enjoy the ability to strategize with different groups of characters. Older bettors who played paper and pencil role playing games in their childhood will most definitely feel a bit of nostalgia as they travel from location to location in this game.

Multiple Bonus Round Opportunities

When bettors travel from one island to another, it becomes quite obvious that each island has different bonus rounds.The boss fight on the forest island gives players a chance at using their group of characters to defeat the dragon and reveal cash prizes. When on the swamp island, bettors are given a crossbow and arrows to defeat the waves of enemies who would like nothing more than to end the journey. On the volcano island, players are given the opportunity to pick up pieces of lava rock to reveal cash prizes until the multiplier rock is discovered and is used to multiply the monetary prizes.

No Spinning Reels But Plenty of Excitement

Online casinos and game developers are looking outside the box when it comes to enticing the latest generation of gamers to the casino. This is a group who grew up with a plethora of entertainment options for gaming that included computers and console game game systems from Nintendo, Playstation and Microsoft’s series of XBox. This is also a group that is both consumer savvy, cynical and jaded. Casinos and developers are searching for alternatives to reel based gaming and it remains to be seen if these games will succeed in a way that was intended. Bettors young and old looking for some originality in the games they play; this game is most decidedly bit of a new direction in online slot play.